Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Tree Throw Up...

Once upon a time, in a land far far way... okay actually it's just in Richmond, but whatever, there was a group of people who got together to paint christmas ornaments. My sister, queen of the nurses wanted to be artsy for a change...

so this is what happened...

all the leftover paint got globbed onto a sweet innocent little ornament and eons later when it dried...

It kinda looked like a christmas tree threw up on it!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Donde Estan Todos?

Only day in the history of forever that there were NO cars on Broad St. It was great!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Miss My People...

I went to a show last weekend in Fredricksburg. It was pretty awesome, but not the same as back home. The music is basically the same, so are the show-goers.... but I miss my people. The people I went to shows to see. The beautiful people. Fredricksburg was just music for me, not that something I feel back in the burg.

Fredricksburg- Through Faith Alone

Lynchburg- A Plea for Purging

Crowd @ Fredricksburg

Crowd @ Lynchburg

Random line of people- Fredricksburg

Random line of people- Lynchburg

See the difference? I do. I wanna go home for the sole purpose of being in this place again. I miss it and those people terribly. It's just not the same without the people I loVe.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

This is Me in Class...

I don't talk, therefore I don't exist...

Fan in the Fall

Hmm, the weird things you find outside your window... (again, on the same day!)

When you hear sirens in Richmond: no big deal...

When you hear sirens in Richmond come down your street and stop: you think "what's up?"

Evidently someone on our street though they smelled a gas leak...

So they sent 6 Firetrucks!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hmm, the weird things you find outside your window...

A HORSE?!?! REALLY? IN RICHMOND! hahahah.... actually two horses. Highlight of my day, I love randomness!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Torrential Down-pour

i still got wet standing on the covered porch. poor camera.

one of those days i wish it was warm enough to go dance around like an idiot in the rain. not the most ideal for walking home with a project, though.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Around and Around Richmond

This is my favorite view of Richmond.... from the vantage point of a bike spoke!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Look What I Found!

Walking back from my car on the way to my apartment, I found this guy chillin next to the trash cans. Needless to say I found it pretty amazing and snapped a picture. He's so out of place, it's awesome. I really wonder why he's there... guess the world may never know...

Pumpkin Carving

Boo- by my sister

Our 3 pumkins!


We continued the tradition of carving pumkins, even here in college. They turned out great! I love Halloween, especially carving pumpkins. Nothing better than being covered in pumpkin guts. Luckily our pumpkins stay inside where they won't be smashed. hahaha =P

Monday, October 18, 2010

Night- Light

We went to the folk festival. The lights were great! These are just a couple of the awesome night-light pictures from that evening.

Monday, September 27, 2010


My friend and I started this game while we were in PA and it grew and transformed into something even weirder and more random. It started out as an innocent little game like the punch-bug game. Everytime we saw a yellow vehicle we'd puch the other in the arm and yell "banana." After a 6hr ride home it started getting old, but I still found it oddly hilarious so I began devising ways to make it more interesting. After I moved to Richmond I began sending my friend pictures of yellow cars. Then I began sending him pictures of actual bananas. It grew and grew until I bought a yellow toy car that we're supposed to find the weirdest "homes" for it. So here's my favorite of the "banana car photos"...