Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Look What I Found!

Walking back from my car on the way to my apartment, I found this guy chillin next to the trash cans. Needless to say I found it pretty amazing and snapped a picture. He's so out of place, it's awesome. I really wonder why he's there... guess the world may never know...

Pumpkin Carving

Boo- by my sister

Our 3 pumkins!


We continued the tradition of carving pumkins, even here in college. They turned out great! I love Halloween, especially carving pumpkins. Nothing better than being covered in pumpkin guts. Luckily our pumpkins stay inside where they won't be smashed. hahaha =P

Monday, October 18, 2010

Night- Light

We went to the folk festival. The lights were great! These are just a couple of the awesome night-light pictures from that evening.